Dear parents and carers,
At school we work hard to encourage as many people as possible to leave their cars at home when bringing children to school. There are several good reasons for this:
*daily exercise helps our fitness and children settle more quickly and concentrate better if they have some exercise before coming into class
*parking at the school is limited and congestion at the gates could cause a serious accident
*environmentally, we all benefit from fewer cars on the roads
*as fuel costs rise it makes economic sense to manage without the car when we can.
With busy lives, walking to school may seem like another hassle, but you may be able to leave your car further away (in a car-park, for example) and walk part of the journey. This would really help to reduce congestion in Bream Rd. You may be able to car-share with neighbours or perhaps decide on certain days of the week when you could find the time to walk.
Anything you can do is a help and any suggestions or thoughts you have are welcome.
Thanks and good luck with walking to school!
Children are given Walk to School weekly results during Celebration Assembly on a Friday.