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15th October 2015

Hi all

Minutes from todays meeting

Present - Karen Geelhoed, Faye Powell, Sue
Howells, Laura Thomas, Guy Phillips
Apologies - Jo Symonds, Claire Lavender

Website - Karen has put together various information and photographs about the
friends and what we do that can be uploaded on to the new school website.  In
the future the friends will be able to add information about upcoming events,
fundraising success, meeting minutes etc. to the web page to keep everyone
updated.  Karen is going to meet with Guy to upload all the information soon.

Email - Karyn Olley has set us up our own friends email address that we can now
use to send and receive correspondence.

Easyfundraising - Karen has set up the
schools easyfundraising account.  The easyfundraiser is a great scheme that
parents/grandparents/friends can use whilst shopping online. Simply log in on
the easy fundraiser web page and then choose your retailer form the list. Any
money then spent online will result in a % commission cash back for the school.
With the run up to Christmas and all the shopping that will be done this could
be a really great way of increasing funds. Karen will ask the school to promote
the easyfundraiser link, e.g. send an email, add a reminder to the newsletter. 
Karen will also be putting up posters around the school to remind parents to
please consider using the scheme when shopping online.

Bag to School - Karen
has received a cheque for £60 from this weeks bag to school collection..

Banking - Sue and Laura are to become signatories on the bank account. Sue and
Laura will need to visit Lloyds bank to confirm signatures as soon as possible.

Alyburton Friends Committee - Karen has been emailing the chair of Alyburton
friends, Sally, and both groups have agreed that they will host their own
Christmas fund raising event, but will discuss in the new year the possibility
of hosting some kind of joint event.  We have been invited to attend the
Aylburton AGM on Monday 2nd Nov. Please let Karen know if you can go along, it
would be a good way for the friends to meet each other.

Helpers - Sue has
compiled a list of 13 willing volunteers who are able to help out set up and
run the Christmas fair.  This is a great start and will hopefully enable us to
achieve a successful event!  Karen will appeal for more help nearer the time
via our facebook page.

Father Christmas - Sue has also found us a retired
couple who are willing to become Mr and Mrs Christmas!

Non Uniform - Guy has
confirmed Friday 4th December to be non uniform day where the children will be asked
to bring in contributions of chocolate, wine, Christmas foods, tombola items in
exchange for wearing non uniform.

Tesco - Guy will contact Tesco to see if
they are able to make any donations for the Christmas hampers.  Guy will also
chat to Tesco about whether they would like to hold their own community stall
at the fair.

Choir/ X factor/ musical performances - Guy will talk to Rosemary
Griffiths and Miss Ramsey about musical performances to open the fair.

- The friends need to look at the grotto to assess whether anything needs
replacing or replenishing, ready to use at the fair.  We are likely to need to
purchase some more fairy lights. Some electrical items may also need PAT

Stall holders - We have interest from the Body Shop, Mary Kay Skin
care and Forever Living.  Ideally we would like some more child orientated
stalls e.g. sweets/treats, pocket money gifts, children's jewellery,
toys/books.  If anyone know anyone who would be interested in having a stall
please let us know asap as we will be confirming arrangements with stall
holders shortly.

Disco - February 2016.  Karen will contact Adrian about
hosting the event once more. A quote obtained from another entertainment option
was considered to be too costly.

Next Meeting - Monday 9th November at 9am at
the school. We will be sorting out the grotto and organising stalls at the
fair.  Please do come along!

Have a great Half Term holiday!
