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Come and enjoy the Summer Fayre! Saturday 9th June

Cake and Sweet Sale! Friday 23rd March from 2.30


All proceeds will be shared with the National Autistic Society.

Donations can be dropped on the morning of the 23rd and we will also be serving hot drinks.


School Disco - Friday 9th February - £1

R, 1, 2 & 3 - 6pm - 7pm

(adult supervision required)

4, 5, 6 - 7.15pm - 8.15pm


Sweets - £1 a bag     Drinks - 50p

Finger Lights - 50p    Glow Bracelets - 50p

Glow Necklaces - £1


Christmas Fayre 2017

The Friends' are very excited for our Christmas Fayre this year, with games, stalls, refreshments, tombola, lucky dip and more. And a visit to Father Christmas's grotto is always a highlight! Join us on December 1st from 3.15 for lots of festive fun! 


Or if you can, come and give us hand... volunteers are always welcome. x


The Friends would like to invite everyone to attend their AGM on Tuesday 3rd October, 2pm at the school.  All welcome!

                                       CAKE SALE!!!!



The Friends will be holding a Cake Sale on Friday 29th September @ 14:30 to raise funds equally for Macmillan Cancer Support and the School.  


Any donations of cakes to sell will be very much welcomed on the day!


We will also hold a second hand uniform sale at the same time, so any unwanted uniform that you are able to donate is welcome.  Please hand this in to the school office ASAP.

July 2017


Its hard to believe that we have already reached the end of a busy School Year!


We have had a busy year with lots going on! We have held some great fundraising events including the Xmas Bazaar, February School Disco, Cake sales, Summer Fayre and concert raffles throughout the year!


It has been fantastic to see the children and their families having a great time at the events and raising much needed funds for the School!


Since October 2015 your donations have purchased:

Water bottles £136.40
Christmas party crackers £124.20
Team PE Kit £95.75
Year 6 leavers gifts and party £235.07
Pantomime coaches £800.00
Cookery equipment £400.00
Part payment towards play equipment £2,000.00
Outdoor benches for Reception class £249.95


Thank you for all your support!  We look forward to many more fund raising events when we return to the new School year in September!  We welcome new members to our friendly group and appreciate any help big or small.  We will be holding our first meeting back on Monday 11th September 2017 at 9am at the School.  Please come and join us for a coffee and a chat!


We wish you all a fantastic summer break!


The Friends


