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Fun French For Families


Fun French For Families

The idea behind Fun French for Families is for you and your child to have the opportunity to share some French vocabulary at home. Each month there will be a selection of words or phrases for you to try with your child.  You could also ask your child to tell you their class phrase of the week (Year 3 to 6).  Any opportunity to practise at home will really help them to reinforce what they have learnt!  Even though the infant classes don't yet have formal lessons in French they will benefit from becoming familiar with some words.
If you need any help with pronunciation feel free to ask Heidi Jeffrey or Mrs Lo!


September = Greetings


bonjour = hello

salut = hi

au revoir = goodbye

bonsoir = good evening

bonne nuit = good night







October = How are you?


ça va? = how are you?

ça va bien = I'm good

ça va mal = I'm not so good

comme ci comme ça = so so



November = Being Polite


merci = thanks

s'il vous plaît = please (formal or plural)

s'il te plaît = please (informal)

de rien = you're welcome



December = Mealtimes


le petit déjeuner = breakfast

le déjeuner = lunch

le goûter = snack

le dîner = dinner (evening)



January = Food and Drink


le fromage = cheese

le jambon = ham

le pain = bread

le thé = tea

le café = coffee

le lait = milk




February = Colours


bleu = blue

rouge = red

jaune = yellow

orange = orange

vert = green

violet = purple

blanc = white

noir = black



March = Pets


un chat = a cat

un chien = a dog

un cheval = a horse

un poisson = a fish

un lapin = a rabbit

un cochon d'Inde = a guinea pig



April = Days of the Week


lundi = Monday

mardi = Tuesday

mercredi = Wednesday

jeudi = Thursday

vendredi = Friday

samedi = Saturday

dimanche = Sunday







May = Numbers 1-6


un = 1

deux = 2

trois = 3

quatre = 4

cinq = 5

six = 6



June = Numbers 7-12


sept = 7

huit = 8

neuf = 9

dix = 10

onze = 11

douze = 12



July = Months of the Year


janvier = January

février = February

mars = March

avril = April

mai = May

juin = June

juillet = July

août = August

septembre = September

octobre = October

novembre = November

décembre = December
