Hello everyone!
It doesn't seem like a week ago that I was last writing to you as the last week seems to have flown by! I hope you are all keeping active and busy. I know some of you have had a go at the PE challenges that Mrs Humphreys has set. Yesterday I tried the 'Catch and clap' activity, which you will find in the resources folder for next week. I managed to do it 23 times, so just 2 off my silver award! I will have another try today to see if I can get to 25. If I practise every day this week, who knows, maybe I can get to gold! Do let me know how you get on with any of these challenges.
Remember to look on our website page to see what everyone else has been doing at home. I have read some super descriptive writing over the past two weeks and some great use of speech to move the action forward. There has also been some super art work this week inspired by the Japanese artist that we have been finding out about. Well done everyone.
Do you remember earlier in the year when we were drawing portraits? Well, as a thank you to NHS workers, artists up and down the country have offered to draw or paint portraits for workers in the NHS. Harriet (my daughter) sent a photo of herself in her uniform off to an artist in Scotland and within a few hours this is the picture that the artist sent back!(below). I thought it might inspire you to take out your pencil and maybe draw a portrait yourself from a photo. It could be a family member or maybe even a celebrity. I know we have some fantastic artists in class 6 so lets get sketching!
I know it is difficult sometimes to find the motivation to get started on activities but remember starting is always the hardest part. Try to think back to when we were altogether in school and how good you felt when you were proud of what you had achieved. Let us try if we can to make this week before half term a week where we produce something that we are really proud of. I do hope that you will like the activities that I have chosen for you and that they inspire you to do your best. I look forward to seeing the results if you are able to send them, if not keep them for when I see you. Remember if you and your parents have any questions or queries about any of the work you can contact me on the email address: y6@lydney.gloucs.sch.uk.
Have a good week and take care,
Mrs Roser