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Class 2's super home learning!

Charlie has been working hard this week. yes
Thomas has been thinking carefully about our text and working hard on his comprehension.  He is working hard on his hand writing.smiley
Noah thought carefully about habitats and made some great artwork.
Thomas has been a super worker!  Lovely art work.
Kaidon has been working hard ...
Thomas has been very busy!  A scary colour monster, great comprehension, fun ice creams and great writing about Winnie.
Kaidon has been working very hard on his handwriting and has been very busy ...
Charlie has created an excellent habitat picture using lots of detail.  He has also begun to enjoy reading the Harry Potter series.
Thomas has been very busy - comprehension work, time work, writing great speech bubbles about Winnie, giving a great tour of St. Ives, P.E., and a colour monster.
Noah has been busy making a puppet theatre and investigating habitats.
Thomas has been super busy! He has created great instructions, a good postcard and worked hard on Maths ...
Charlie has created some excellent instructions for 'How to build a sandcastle'.  He has got a title, equipment list, numbered steps, clear sentences and great pictures. yes
A super story! I really loved the imagination and vocabulary used in this one, Charlie!
Some super sketches! You have used loads of details, Connie!
I'm looking forward to reading the next instalment! Super writing, Connie!
Wonderful words from William! You really have come so far with your writing! It’s a pleasure to read! 
Sophie has been getting creative! A pretty daisy chain, a brilliant Easter bonnet and some yummy looking gingerbread! Keep up the good work!
Charlie's wonderful illustration of 'CandyLand'! Your drawing sure does make me want to visit! 
Ashley has certainly been a busy bee! Some gorgeous handwriting, super conjunction work and detailed drawings! But perhaps best of all some brilliant outdoor learning! Looks like lots of fun!
Noah has been having a lovely time baking! He helped to measure out the ingredients and combine them to make this delicious looking cake! He has also enjoyed playing some cool maths games with his brother Finley!
Oliver looks like a great person to have about the house! He has been busy planting all kinds of vegetables! It looks like he has been enjoying the weather and not surprisingly playing different sports in the garden! Along with his brother, Freddie they have been doing a super job of helping around the house! I wonder if Oliver will give my classroom a once over when we're back?
Archer has been working really hard on his writing and has written a great story! He has included imaginative ideas, careful sounding out and super, clear handwriting! Archer has also made a lovely Easter Egg tree which has been carefully painting and I must say he's done a beautiful job! I shall have to have a go myself!
Connie has been a busy bee again! She has enjoyed completing a research project all about coral reefs! Lots of interesting facts here, Connie! Definitely and interesting read!
Oliver has been getting up to lots at home. He has a cool new haircut thanks to mum, good job mum! Oliver continues to work hard at his very own home-schooling desk alongside mum! It's not all hard work though. Oliver and his family have made delicious looking home- made pizzas and enjoyed lots of football practice in the garden! They have been getting their daily exercise in although Oliver looks like he'd rather be doing his homework!
Charlie has created his own menu for his Italian restaurant and even provided a photo sample of his culinary delights! I sure wish I could visit 'Bryantinis' right now! Top chef, Charlie!
Yixuan has been a little superstar and working so hard with all of her home learning! She has done a range of beautiful artwork as well as lots of maths, science and writing! Definitely lots of creativity happening in this home, well done! 
Oliver continues to keep busy at home! He has been enjoying lots of time outside and making the most of the weather and is very proud of his new bike! I hope the weather holds out for you so you can use it lots! He has been doing lots of cooking and jobs around the house. Well done, Oliver!
Thomas has done so much home learning! He has enjoyed planting sunflower seeds for Science, learning lots of timetables and completing lots of maths and writing! As well as this he has enjoyed the sunshine and taken lots of opportunities to do outdoor learning too. What a busy bee! Well done, Thomas! 
Zack continues being a superstar at home! Lots of learning going on in the Whitmarsh household and not just from school! Zack has been growing, baking, puddle jumping and changing nappies! All very useful things to know how to do!
Charlie has made some gooey, scrumptious- looking millionaire shortbread!
Kaidon has had a busy week! He has helped out with a shopping list and looks set to open his own bakery with this scrummy looking cake! I will definitely be taking baking tips from him!