Admissions Policy
Parents are welcome to visit our school, look around and ask questions. Reception (Foundation Stage) parents are invited to an informal meeting, during early Summer, when details concerning the introduction to school life will be discussed. This is a chance for parents to start to feel involved in the life of Lydney and to ask about any aspect of the School. Our school capacity is 210 children - 30 per year group.
In keeping with the policy of Gloucestershire Local Authority (LA) the school welcomes pupils who are four years old on or before 31st August in the year of their admission. Reception children are admitted during September on a part-time basis at first and gradually become full time pupils by the end of September. The exact details of the introduction and admission arrangements will be sent to parents during the summer term. We try to make the transition to school life as enjoyable and relaxed as possible through visits during the summer term before admission so that children become familiar with the school environment, meet the staff and begin to feel at home. "Rising 5" sessions are held during the second half of the summer term. Children from families moving into the area are welcome to join our school at any time during the year.
If the school should become over subscribed the LA have criteria which will be applied in deciding priority for admission. There is an appeals procedure for parents who do not agree with the LA's decision.