Friends Meeting minutes – Mon 9th Nov 2015
Present – Karen Geelhoed, Jo Symonds, Faye Powell, Suzanne Howells, Laura Thomas, Lizzie Barton.
Apologies – Claire Lavender, Callie Robinson, Margaret Robinson, Karen Blackwell. Emma Alexander.
Christmas Fayre – Thursday 10th December
Christmas Grotto – Unfortunately Mr and Mrs Christmas are no longer available on the 10th so we need a new Santa for the grotto. A few names have been suggested so we will try and get a confirmation by next meeting. We think we have also sourced a Santa suit.
Gifts from Santa – we decided on chocolate selection boxes as universal gifts that we require no wrapping/ preparation. Karen G/ Jo have found some reasonably priced choices, Karen will ask Margaret if Robert can get us any good deals through his work. Sue will ask the co op/Tesco/tuffins/lidl if they would be willing to donate any for us.
Reindeer Game – prize needed, usually a soft toy.
Hampers – We hope to receive enough donations to make up a few chocolate hampers plus 2 Christmas hampers to use as raffle prizes. Non uniform day on 4th December in exchange for tombola items. Laura will ask Karyn Olley to email/text a reminder the week before to parents specifying the sorts of items we would like. Additionally we would like some donated cakes to sell on the day itself so any contributions would be gratefully received.
Choir – School to confirm that choir and/ or musical workshops are able to perform at 3pm to officially open the Christmas fayre
Reindeer Food – Callie has offered to organise this again for the fayre which will be a great help.
Kitchen access – Guy to confirm with kitchen about access on the day, preferably immediately after school lunch has finished.
Stall holders – We have a good selection of external stalls including The Body Shop, Fiorever Living, Mary Kay Skincare, Poody and Berty fabric gifts, Heather Parkhouse jewellery, Dottie Polka, Mrs Humphreys mum (fabric items), Marianne James, Elkie (Taurus crafts).
Grotto – We had a quick look at the items stored in the cupboards for the Grotto. Faye will arrange to get the electrical items PAT tested. It will need a bit more of a sort out to determine what is suitable to use or is needed to be purchased. Karen G has found netted fairy lights at a reasonable price (£10.99) and it is likely that we will be needing these.
Tea Towels
Letters have now gone out to parents, with all orders requested to be in by Friday 13th Nov. Thank you Callie for organising all of this! Sue will collect orders on Friday and pass on to Callie once monies checked.
Christmas Crackers
The crackers for Christmas lunch have been purchased and delivered, enough for every child.
Aylburton AGM
Karen and Jo went to Aylburton Friends AGM. They have discussed planning a joint social event in the summer at Bathurst pool. Aylburton friends are holding a Christmas shopping evening on the 26th November.
Panto trips
School to confirm whether they would like a donation towards the cost of the panto trip or whether they will fund this via other means and for our fundraising efforts instead to concentrate on achieving the monies needed for the proposed trim trail/ outdoor play equipment.
Bank Mandate
Sue and Laura have now signed the paperwork needed to become signatories on the bank account. Karen will take this to Lloyds to confirm.
Easy Fundraising
Karen has posters to put up to remind parents about the easyfundraiser scheme. Another email reminder for parents would be useful too.
New date possibly 5th Feb 2016 as our usual disco company is already booked on the 12th. If anyone can recommend a DJ please let us know!
Next meeting – Thursday 19th November – 3.15PM